"Terrafidelis, Unhealtitat, Feralis""Mind the bunnies[tm]." You have arrived at the official web site of the Maenads of the Holy Albino. We are here to fight the evils of the Hellwyrm and destroy evil on the planet Earth. We of the Maenads first off believe, as do all Jihaddi groups, that B'Harne is pure, unadulterated evil. The being known as B'Harne is in fact the Devourer Wyrm, an evil entity conjured by Lyrans (alien sorcerors that are extradimensional in nature) for the express destruction of Earth and the spongification of its inhabitants for the purpose of allowing takeover of the planet. They have tried before and failed, they try again now, and they will try a third time which shall lead to the final Banishment to the tenth level of Hell. Increase your knowledge about the Maenads Maenad Intelligence - hosted by the Jihad Zoo Related Sites |